Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Monday Confessions

I confess that I am in fact writing my Monday Confession on Tuesday morning. I confess I had all day on Monday to write this but didn't feel like doing it. Perhaps this might be the reason for such sporadic posts.

I confess that I took Presidents Day off and feel a little guilty about it. In theory, because my wife was off from school, it was only logical that I too needed to observe this glorious holiday as well. I confess that while observing the holiday, not once was a thought given to the presidents it was to honor.

I confess that I am not only obsessed but addicted to running. Obsession seems to be in my nature and it manifests itself in almost any "new" hobby I may undertake. There is normally an over-the-top immersion into it until the rush fades away. I confess in my recent history I have been obsessed with the guitar, golf, motorcycles, Apple Computer, and now running. Internet activity consist largely to running sites, whether it be blogs, training programs, or shopping. Reading material is made up of various  types of running (i.e. long distance, barefoot, etc.), and an annual subscription to Runners World is a given. Trips to Rapid City always include places where running equipment might be found. Obsession is on thing but addiction seems to take a different slant. I confess that if I miss a day of my running schedule I sort of fall into a slump and begin to mope around. In other words, I get depressed. This is nothing short of addiction.

I confess I have to consciously keep my obsession and addiction in check as it treads so very closely to idolatry. Here's the crazy thing; when the "rush" of this obsession passes I will find another obsession (or it will find me) that will take its place in my heart. I confess that without a consistent immersion into the Word of God and ongoing fellowship with His people I am EASILY given to building idols in my heart. I confess a thankfulness for God's grace that not only delivers me from "me" but fills me with a "greater than" any of my obsessions.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Hump Day Encouragement

Well, I've completed a post two weeks in a row having begun my Monday Confessions (again, I'll be surprised if I post yet another). So I thought I'd give another weekly assignment a try.

I'll call it Hump Day Encouragement.

I'm encouraged because of God's ministry through His people.

AWANA Clubs never ceases to amaze me.

The volume of kids who attend surely is a blessing but as much so are the leaders.
The sometimes chaotic evening is tempered with the calm that accompanies God's grace.

And then the clear teaching of God's Word, the personal one-on-one (or one-on-two) interaction during handbook time, and the excitement of the games point to one thing… the gospel of Christ demonstrated and proclaimed.

Last night in Sparks twenty-two k-2nd graders quoted the following:

S is for Savior
   1 John 4:14, … the Father has sent the Son as Savior of the world.

P is for Power
   Psalm 147:5, Great is our Lord, and mighty in power.

A is for According to the Scriptures
   1 Corinthians 15:3, … Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures. 

R is for Rose Again
   1 Corinthians 15:4, And that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the scriptures. 

K is for Keep
   James 2:10, For whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet stumble in one point, he is guilty of all. 

S is for Saved
   Acts 16:31, … believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved…

Encouraged? You betcha! So what has encouraged you this week?

Monday, February 13, 2012

Monday Confessions

I confess I'm surprised to be writing a second Monday Confessions… so soon. As the history of this blog indicates this is quite unusual.

I confess that although I spend a good amount of time preparing for Sunday's messages I don't spend nearly enough. I confess that often it shows. I confess that God's grace seems to always gain the victory and He blesses His Word. Speaking of God's grace, I confess it never ceases to amaze me.

I confess I put my pajamas on this evening at 5:30 without blinking an eye (it wasn't even dark yet). Monday evenings are like an oasis of refreshment. I confess that there is nothing on TV worth watching on Monday nights so reading, writing, talking and sometimes studying makes for a great time. I confess that as I wrote that last line, "The Voice" came on, so… forget the reading, writing, talking and studying. I guess I just confessed I like "the Voice."

I confess that the death of people in pop culture gives me mixed emotions. Just as icons of my past such as Jimmy Hendrix, Janis Joplin, and Jim Morrison, the death of Whitney Houston grieves me to the soul. I confess that with each of these (and many others) I grieve their rejection of the truth of the gospel. I confess I grieve knowing they are now eternally separated from the mercy, grace and life of our God and will spend an eternity in hell. I confess that this is a difficult truth to ponder. I confess I have mixed emotions by the god-like portrayal painted of these by the media.

I also confess my hypocrisy is manifested by my lackadaisical attitude when it comes to sharing the gospel with my neighbors.

Okay, these are my confessions. What are yours?

Monday, February 06, 2012

Monday Confessions

I confess that this idea was stolen from another blog located HERE. I confess that I don't care that I stole this idea because its such a great idea. I confess my Monday Confessions will probably not be as enjoyable to read as Tim Suttle's but they will be enjoyable to write. I confess this will probably be the first and the last Monday Confessions post I make until next year.

I confess that although I really enjoy Tim Suttle's Monday Morning Confessional, I'm not sure I agree with everything he writes on his blog. I confess I made that last statement just in case someone reads something controversial on Tim's site they don't agree with. I confess I don't know what I'd disagree with on Tim Suttle's site (except that he made fun of dispensationalists on one of his posts).

I confess Mondays are normally the most difficult day of the week because it follows Sundays. Monday's often consist of at least one resignation letter being written in my head. This is not however because of the ministry itself but rather because of the minister (me) himself. I confess that although I know my worth comes from my position in Christ, Mondays normally seem to preempt that truth. Today was not like that. Today was a joy. Praise the Lord!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Christian Homosexual?

It must be that time of year that I get the urge to "blog."

Recently I viewed a video (posted below) that is disturbing me. To be quite honest, it disturbs me because I don't know what to think about the issue and it is still being processed in my mind and in my heart. Perhaps writing about it may help clear the cobwebs and perhaps, if anyone at all is reading this, your input and discourse may help. Please don't hesitate to interact but do so with two criteria; be biblically based and respond with grace. I'm going to paint the scenario and then pose ONLY ONE question. It is this one question (and those relating) that has me thinking.

The video is of Jim Swilley, Pastor of "The Church in the Now," located in Conyers, GA. It is an 1hour 15 minute clip of Jim before his church announcing that he is homosexual. His story is quite compelling as he states to have known from a very young age that his sexual orientation was toward boys rather than girls. His claim is that sexual orientation is not a choice but rather something you are born with. According to Swilley, because of the social pressures and the fact that he felt the call of God upon his life he has never acted on his natural propensity toward men. Instead, he played the part, taking a wife and "siring" (his words) four children. He in fact has had two wives, both ending in divorce. His second wife stands by his side and serves (or has served) as co-pastor in the church.

Without question I disagree vehemently with his view on scripture as he explained away all it has to say about homosexuality. In case you don't have 1 hour and 15 minutes to view the video, his view of scripture is summed up in these statements (verbatim at about 33:35): "Is the Bible inspired? Yes. Is it infallible? No." In fact, the MOST disturbing portion of the entire clip was this portion where he attempts to dismantle the Word of God. If in his interpretation of scripture he doesn't view homosexuality as a sin why did he marry a woman?

NOW, if it is at all possible to put the issues aside that pertain particularly to Jim Swilley, here is the question that has been swirling around in my head.

Is it a sin for a man to have a homosexual orientation even if he never acts on it and strives to keep his body under subjection and his mind filtered by God's word? What are your thoughts?

Here's the video:

Watch live streaming video from bishopjimswilley at livestream.com

Monday, October 12, 2009

Life is Grand!

As the weeks wiz by this year it becomes more and more clear just how grand life really is. It is not as though the circumstances have been perfect and that everything always goes my way (that would be boring); but with time comes the ability to begin to see life on a more "grand" of a scale. Admittedly, circumstances often prove to be blinding to this "grand scale" but it is grand none the less. Scanning through the events of this past year the wounds of warfare are fresh. I've known fear of the unknown, feelings of betrayal, heartache, deep sorrow, extreme failure, frustration, internal anger, and a desire to just puke. But in the words of my dear missionary friend, "It's been. It's been real good."

Life is grand... not because everything is going my way; but life is grand because it is governed by my God, who is grand. If Ephesians 1:1-14 is true, and I believe it is, then my hope rests in God's purpose for the ages... in His purpose for me: blessed with every spiritual blessings in the heavenlies in Christ, chosen before the foundation of the world to be holy and without blame, predestinated to adoption of a son, redeemed through the blood of Christ, forgiven of sin, given wisdom and prudence, sign, sealed, guaranteed and soon to be delivered. Can life by any more grand that this?

Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. 1 Timothy 1:17

Sunday, October 04, 2009


WOW! Almost a year since my last entry. I guess my thoughts... or two are pretty sparse.

Attendance is down... but the work of God is evident. For the last few months our attendance has been below what has been the norm up till now. This is for good reason however. A group of our folk left to plant a church in a nearby town. It was a significant group and we immediately felt its impact. However, two things are evident: One, the Lord is going to use these folks for His glory in reaching a community that, although small, seems to be essentially unreached. Two, the Lord has been faithful to continue His good work among those of us who remain. Here are some examples.

In our second week of new adult morning Bible studies we saw a good number of ladies prepared and attending their study on Esther, the men were challenged and encouraged in their study of biblical self-confrontation, our auditorium Bible teacher, for the love of teaching God's Word showed up sick so that he wouldn't miss a week, one of our young men took on the task of heading up our technology team (PTL), our worship team this morning included two who had never been involved before, one of our young ladies "helping" with our childrens church taught for the first time today, in our evening service we were quized and challenged on the practical side of my message this morning, one of our young men preached, challenging and encouraging us from the scriptures toward "radical living, victory in the midst of persecution." And then of course, the fellowship among God's people that followed both services gives evidence of the love God's people have for one another.

The Lord is faithful, it is His church, and we have the privilege of being used of Him and of seeing Him at work. WOW!